About me

I have been a member of the Paris Bar since 2013. I studied law at the University of Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne and then obtained the Certificate of Aptitude for the Legal Profession. I have practised foreigners’ law since the beginning of my professional life, in particular with lawyers at the Council of State and the Court of Cassation

You can find my curriculum vitae by clicking here .



Foreigner’s law is complex and constantly changing. It has both administrative and jurisdictional aspects. Its sources are numerous: international, European, constitutional, legislative and regulatory. Its field of application is also very broad: it concerns nationality as well as preparation for entry into France (by obtaining a visa for example), entry into the country, residence and its legality, rights relating to private and family life, freedom of movement, protection of often vulnerable persons… This site is intended to present the reasons that may lead you to consult a lawyer specialized in this field, so that you are no longer alone in trying to assert your rights.


You will find information on the services I can offer you in matters of asylum law and transfer decisions (Dublin regulation), obtaining a residence permit, an appointment in the prefecture and a receipt for your application, regularisation of your situation, and deportation decisions.

Do not hesitate to call me (green icon) or contact me by email to find out more about your particular situation and the rights you can claim.


I mostly work in Paris and in Ile-de-France.

French, English and Spanish spoken